This animated ecard begins with a a presentation screen with white letters saying for your birthday the three singing platypuses on pink background. Moving to the next screen, 3 cute platypuses appear, the center platypus is our main singer wearing a light blue jacket, white shirt and pink bowtie and he has backup singers; the one on the left has a peach jacket, white shirt and black bowtie, the one on the right has a green shirt, white bowtie and white jacket. They are standing in a sea of colorful balloons and as they sing, their beak opens and they move gently to the song. As the main singer sings his solo we get a closeup of his sweet face and back to full screen when they sing “to”. As we get close to the end of the ecard and they sing “happy birthday to you” a pink two tiered cake with white piping and lit candles comes up from below and sits at the right of the main singer. The words Happy Birthday appear at the bottom of the screen.