Post our 100% FREE memes for fun. There is no sign up, NO CREDIT CARD NEEDED, and no membership required to send our free meme ecards. They can be thoughtful, cute, inspiring, touching, silly, and anything you need them to be. Doozy Cards makes static ecards for all sentiments. Read More... Share on Facebook
So we've created these funny and thoughtful memes for our amazing users! They run the gamut from quotes on friendship and family, inspirational bible verses, hilarious observations and everything in between.
Stuck at work on the slowest Monday ever? We've got a funny meme that puts a face to that Monday feeling. Send a coffee loving friend the perfect coffee meme and let them know that you understand what it takes for them to get going every day. Send your favorite friend a cute, fluffy poodle, with the perfect amount of sass. Or send your best diet buddy our tongue-in-cheek card, which perfectly sums up why they should put down the broccoli immediately.
Speaking of friends, we have thoughtful meme ecards that celebrate the bond of friendship. A sweet little rhyme and a forever-invitation for a cup of tea will let your friends know that your door is always open. A sweet little puppy and a flood of autumn leaves is a great way to let a friend know that they're not alone.
Prefer an uplifting bible quote to get your point across? We've got those too! Send a friend who's having a difficult time a beautiful verse to let them know you're there for them, and that they don't need to be troubled. A peaceful cherry blossom card will remind you to do all things with love.
These static, postcard-style ecards are a fun way to say everything that you need to say. Pick your favorite meme ecard and send it to someone that needs a smile today!