Classic Fart eCards

Classic Fart eCards

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Classic Fart eCards

Free Classic Fart eCards

Free Classic Fart eCards

Gas is funny. We can't help it if we get tons of requests for animated ecards about farts so here they are - all on one page. We don't want to offend those of you who don't care for fart jokes. We have many cards that are more sophisticated and serious but for those of you who want funny, classic fart ecards - here they are. 

Call us juvenile, but we are after all making cartoons here. And so a good belly laugh at a well crafted fard joke is regarded as part of the medium. As such, we ... dare we say "proudly"?... present the Doozy Classic Fart eCards:

The Gassy Princess is just about as perfect a fart joke as it gets. Based on a winsome royal we all grew up reading and watching, she despoils her forest milieu with a toot aimed in just the wrong direction. Tear-inducing funny fart ecard.

If you like dry wit, wry humor, then the Weekend Fart eCard is for you. It is a still meditation on breaking the silence by breaking the wind. The subtlest of our classic fart ecards.

Oh irony! How uproarious is thy expression in the midst of beauty! The Farting Geisha Ecard came about when we made a simple, elegant ecard to celebrate Spring, in the Japanese style. While reviewing it with our animator, it became plainly evident that we were obliged to mock it by having the lass fart loudly enough to ruffle her obi. Now she lives on in our free fart jokes ecards.

We have fart jokes in free classic fart ecards  for every season and holiday you could wish: Thanksgiving, Halloween (the Farting Ghost is a classic among Classic Fart eCards), Christmas, and even St. Patrick's Day. Trust us to keep you up to your beans in fart eCards!

Send a Doozy; it's a gas!

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