There are many day-to-day occasions where you need to send someone a card. You may need to say thank you, get well soon, I'm sorry, or you're on my mind. Doozy Cards is here to help!
No matter what it is that you need to say, an animated ecard from Doozy can help you say it!
-Doozy Birds Sing ecard is an adorable ecard you can use to wish a sick friend the best. This musical ecard stars a branch full of crooning birds, and they have one message: Get well soon!
-Caribbean Hippos Thank You ecard is a singing ecard that's tons of fun! A trio of dancing beauties hula dance while a tropical parrot sings a song written just to say thanks.
-Want to be the reason someone laughs today? Gassy Princess ecard is a hilarious ecard, that features a lovely princess. Her melodic singing draws a bevy of woodland creatures to her side. Unfortunately, though, our fair maiden is a bit gassy today.
-Mission Impossible BBQ is a hilarious ecard. A very intrepid squirrel helps himself to a delicious feast, and the poor dog is blamed for the crime.
We have a huge selection of talking ecards as well. They are a great way to send a personal greeting to a loved one. Fun and easy to send, with a bevy of unique characters to choose from, you'll have no trouble finding the perfect ecard to send. Personalization is simple, just enter your message on the "personalize your card" page. Once the card is opened by the recipient, the message is read out loud by our fun, animated character.
Don't wait for a big occasion to send an exciting animated ecard. Birthdays, anniversaries are exciting, but we have so many cards to choose from, there's no reason to wait for a big event to send a loved one a Doozy!