This animated birthday ecard is set in a vintage looking town with old buildings and antique cars driving by. One of the buildings is a barbershop and we go inside the vintage barbershop and there is a cake with eyes and a mouth, arms and legs is holding a cane and is sitting in a barber’s chair and a tall and standing pastry with a face, big mustache is the barber behind him decorating the cake with piping. Next to the cake and barber are 3 cute cupcakes each wearing a string of pearls are sitting under vintage hairdryers are singing back vocals. We get a closeup of the cake and barber putting lit candles on the top of the cake and the cake gets up and dances on the chair as the cupcakes get off their chairs now each holding a martini in one hand as they dance and sing. As the singer sings bouquet, the screen fills up with red roses then back to the cake holding a straw hat dancing with the cupcakes outside the barbershop. The final banner appears with the words have a sweet birthday! as gold confettis falls on our singers.