This animated ecard begins with a stage curtains with sign in the middle with a poodle’s profile and at the top and bottom of the sign are the words the words The Northminster Kennel Club. The curtains lift up and we are in a stadium filled up with dog fans and at the center of the stadium is a gold stage with 4 tiers appears with a dog band, main singer, 2 back vocals, 1 trumpet player and one pianist and all of them are wearing 1970’s style pants and tops as well as party hats. There is a large disco ball over the stage and stage lights are lighting up the band. We get closer to the band and the lower notes are sung by a little dog that pops out from the piano! When the singer sings, we get a close up of him and a cupcake flies by. As the band plays and sings away, 2 little dogs are carrying a large birthday cake at the bottom of the stage and the final banner appears at the top of the screen with the words Happy Birthday! as the dogs carry the cake across the screen.