The Rap Turkey Video thanksgiving animated ecard is set in a studio where 3 producers are sitting at the recording board. Next, we see a turkey wearing thin red glasses and headset at a high desk with turntables and a laptop computer on a small stage with huge speakers and stage lights around him. Someone hands him a script. Next, he gets on with the music and rapping. When he says gravy and pie, we see a gravy boat and then a hand holding holding a pumpkin pie. Next, we see a large bowl of mashed potatoes with hands holding spoon taking mashed potatoes. Back to the turkey at his turntables as red balloons pop up in the background. Next, the screen behind him shows a cooked turkey on a platter making him uncomfortable as he reads the script closer. When he asks “is it a title” the three producers are holding knives, hatchet and fork and knives as they lick their lips. Back to the turkey looking very worried. To the final screen with the final banner reading “happy turkey day!!!”.