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Gather Together Thanksgiving

Gather Together Thanksgiving

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View the Gather Together Thanksgiving Ecard
The “Gather Together Thanksgiving” ecard is made of a sequence of short videos and photos beginning with a beautiful video of a water mill by a rocky river and surrounded by autumn trees as the water gurgles down the stream. To the next short video of yellow maple leaves moving to the wind as the caption reads “it is time…” and it is followed by a picture of deep orange pumpkins with the caption “to be together”. The caption remains on the next photo of colorful Indian corn. The next photo is of a pumpkin shapes mug with steaming cocoa in it and small pumpkin and glass gourd decorating the table is sits on as the caption reads “to be sweet”. The caption continues on to the next photo of colorful fox cookies on a plate with little lights it the background. The following photo is of a Thanksgiving turkey with all the trimmings on a table with plates, gravy boat, lit candle, glass of wine, sliced ham and vegetable plates as the caption reads “to eat good food”. The words fade out and appear the words “together, in our hearts”. The next photo is of a beautiful autumnal flower arrangement with the caption “whether near or far” which continues on to the next photo of flower arrangements in pumpkins surrounded by lit red candles. The caption fades out to make place for “we are together”. The caption fades out and the final banner appears reading “Happy Thanksgiving”.
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