The Singing Latkes animated Hanukkah ecard begins with an envelope with a Star of David sticker and coming from behind the envelope is a matzah man dressed in a suit, yarmulke. After announcing the Lucky Latkes. The sticker lifts off from the envelope which opens up and reveals a lovely latke with a sweet face, long leg with high heels and arms with white gloves. Behind her is a lit menorah and next to her is a dreidel. As she sings, the flames on the menorah have little faces and singing back vocals. The dreidel moves side to side to the beat. The Singing Latke dances side to side and moves her arms to the beat as she sings. Towards the end of the song, little latkes and dreidel fly up and float around the scene. At the end of the card, gold coins fall from above and the final banner appears reading “Wishing you and yours a delightful Hanukkah!”.