This is a sequence of sexy photos with a “content warning. This ecard has mature content”. The next frame’s caption is “I’m sending you a little surprise…”. Next is a photo of a sexy man’s abs all the way to below his belly button all oiled up and the caption says “he wants to you to rub on his lotion…”. The next photo is of a sexy suntanned man seen from the back, wearing very right white shorts and the caption reads “he wants you to roam his dunes…”. We then see him from the front with a bulge in his white shorts and the caption reads “he wants you to play with his beach balls…”. Next photo is of another sexy man on a beach with amazing abs wearing a very tight and revealing speedo and the caption reads “he’s ready to “hang 10” inches!” . The caption disappears the the next captions reads “wishing you a HOT HOT HOT birthday”.