View the Old Tyme Pride eCard Ecard
The Old Tyme pride ecard is a sequence of vintage postcards and vintage photos starting with a postcard circa 1915 with a young fancy man dressed in that era’s suit, vest, cravat, bowler hat, flower pinned to his lapel holding a fancy cane and a cigarillo and the words on the postcard read “Gay Boy”. Next, a photo of two women circa 1890’s in lovely long dresses with lace, fancy long sleeves, each wearing hats with feathers or flowers with their hair all coiffed. They are sitting close to one another with a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket, one lady with her hand under the other lady’s chin as they are about to kiss. Next a sequence of 3 vintage images beginning with a 1950’s speedo beachwear add with an image montage of lovely looking young men in bathing trunks talking to one another and a group of them made a human pyramid by the ocean. Next a painting from the 1700 called “The Macaroni”, a man overdressed with a huge wig, fancy tail coat with frilly chemise, highly decorated breeches, stockings and shoes. To a late 1800’s photo of two women hugging and looking at one another lovingly, one more manly in a suit, shirt, tie and bowler hat holding a small cane under her arm and the other one in a high collar lace blouse and her hair up. To the next card montage beginning with a note “A helpful bedtime reminder” then changes to “a good boy always sleeps with his hands above the covers” to finally reveal the full card of two little boys in bed, one with his hands above the covers and the notes above their bed. To the final photo late 1800’s of Oscar Wilde and his lover Lover Alfred Bruce Douglas sitting together on a bench and the captions read: “be free, be happy, be together, be proud. Happy Pride!”.