View the Pride Through History eCard Ecard
This Pride Through History eCard is a montage of images and names all on a background of delicate Victorian floral print in white on pastel rainbow colors. The first is Sappho, in a 19th Century painting with a red cloth and a lyre. Her name appears to the right. Second is a black and white wood cut print of Chinese Emperor Ai depicting the moment when he had his servant cut off the sleeve of his robe rather than wake his sleeping male lover whose head rests upon the sleeve. His name appears to the right in White letters with a purple outline. Next is a 19th Century color print of Nzinga Mbande, Queen of Ambundu Kingdoms of Ndongo (1624–1663) and Matamba (1631–1663). We see her torso and head, facing right but her head is turned to face left. her name appears to her right. Next is the Chevalier D'Eon, in an oil painting of the late 18th or the 19th Century. He is wearing a smart woman's gown with a festively decorated hat with big white ostrich feathers and a tri-color bow. Next is a black and white photo of We'Wah from the 19th Century. She stands facing us in her Zuni garments holding a woven basket. Her name is to the left of her photo. Next is a photo of the head and shoulders of Oscar Wilde. The photo's white background covers the whole frame. He wears his trademark fedora hat at a rakish angle. His name appears in the upper left in purple font. Next is a black and white photo of Gertrude Stein with hair pulled back and clothing form the `1920s. Her name is to the right of her photo. The last photo is of Christine Jorgensen. It's a black and white glamour shot of her head and shoulders while leaning her head in her hand. Her name is to the right of her. Finally we see the whole pastel rainbow background with the message, "We have always been here. Happy Pride".