View the Caribbean Hippos in Paradise Ecard
This wonderfully colorful birthday ecard with a jungle paradise in the background and a happy birthday banner with large pink letters, begins with 3 very pink and very large lady hippopotamus wearing purple grass skirts around their waist, a red rose on one ear and pointy purple party hat on their head are dancing the hula with their arms going side to side and singing back vocals. There is a two tiered white cake with blue piping is sitting on a white high cake plate with a red ribbon at its bottom, red candles and tiny raspberries around each tier and there are also colorful party balloons with strings at the bottom left corner brightening the scene even more. The main singer is a red parrot with a leopard necktie and a pointy purple party a holding a small bouquet of red roses is standing at the top of the cake sings his birthday song and he flies all around the scene as he sings. At the bottom right, a yellow lizard with purple dreadlocks wearing a red sash around his waist is playing steel drum. As the parrot sings, he lands and remains at the top of the birthday cake. As the card winds down, the birthday candles light up on the cake and colorful balloons fall from above along with yellow confetti ending the ecard.