View the Old Tyme Christmas Ecard
The Old Tyme Christmas card is a sequence of vintage postcards from the late 1800’s and early 1900’s with a vintage flowery background starting with a card of a church with snow on the roof and all around as worshippers are walking in the snow to the church. The caption reads “a happy Christmas” and at the bottom “At Christmas I wish for you”. The next card circa late 1890’s shows a little girl dressed in beautiful Winter coat and hat holding a box and package is coming out of a toy store as two little girls are greeting her who are also dressed in their winter coats and hats. In the background we see two ladies with long dressed shopping and the caption reads “filled with sweet surprises”. Next is a card from the late 1800’s with a family having their Christmas dinner all wearing their best late 1800’s Christmas clothes as the caption reads “We all with you a merry Christmas” and below “warmth and joy”. Next, a card from the early 1900s’s with a little boy and girl sitting together on a swing in Winter. She wears her winter coat, muffle and hat and the little boy is in a winter sailer coat, short pants and cap and he is whispering in her ear as the caption reads “love and delight”. Then, to a card from the late 1800’s of a woman wearing a beautiful read coat with white fur trimming, matching muffle and red hat with holly branches on it as the caption reads “thinking of you and…”. To the last card late 1800’s of a little girl sleeping in her lovely bed with a clock behind marking after midnight as Santa Claus watches her as he pulls a lovely doll for her from his large bag of toys. The caption reads “Wishing you Merry Christmas day!”.