View the Old Tyme Santa Claus Ecard
The Old Tyme Santa Claus ecard is a sequence of vintage Christmas postcards with Santa Claus as the main star beginning with a postcard circa late 1890’s with Santa Claus in his red outfit carrying a large bag filled with gifts on his back and a little girl dressed in lovely period clothe and little fur hat with a feather is handing him her letter with her list and the card. Next is a photo of caption reads ‘Best wishes for a happy Christmas”. Next, a postcard circa 1920’s with Santa with his sleeves up an smoking his pipe, in his workshop making a toy on his work table and he is surrounded by toys as the caption reads “wishing you Merry Xmas”. Next, another postcard this time from early 1900’s, his sleeves are up, sitting on a bench at his work table making a toy with his hammer, surrounded by toys on the floor and on the table and his coat hanging on the door. The caption reads “A jolly Christmas”. Next a postcard circa 1920’s with Santa sitting in a 1920’s golden car without a top, with a Christmas tree and toy at the back of the car. There are two children wearing long fur like robes and wings on each side of the car and they are throwing snowballs to one another as Santa smiles. The caption reads “Christmas Greetings”. Next is a Christmas 1902 Puck magazine cover with Santa holding his gift bag and two lovely ladies in long dressed, period hairdos, one holding a candle and the ladies are kissing him on his cheeks as he smiles as they are standing under the mistletoe. To a postcard where we see Santa smiling with his index on his nose as he winks and holds a gift with a card saying “for a boy or girl” and Christmas holly around him and the captions reads “Merry Christmas”. To the final card circa 1900’s with Santa with his hat and coat holding his bag of gifts on his back and a deer at his side. The background shows wood houses covered with snow and chimney smoking, holly decorating the card and the caption reads “wishing you a merry Christmas”.