This beautifully animated Christmas ecard begins with a view of a whole village under the snow at morning time where all the roofs are covered with snow, smoke comes out of the chimneys and at the center of the village sits a tall Christmas tree also covered with snow. As we get a closer look at the village, a red vintage station wagon with a Christmas tree tied to its top drives across the village. Next, we see a sweet house covered with snow and a snowman on its front lawn and the red station wagon pulls in the snowy driveway. We then see through one of the house’s windows where a fire is lit in the fireplace and 3 red stockings are hung waiting to be filled with gifts. On the top of the mantle, 2 candles are lit at each end. The image transforms by adding the Christmas tree and the mother, father and child of the house. Next the child is decorating the tree with colorful Christmas ornaments, candy canes and lights and the father places the star atop the tree as the mother watches. Snow begins to fall and the room darkens showing all the beautiful lights on the tree and the final banner appears with the words Merry Christmas to you brother.