View the Halloween Candy Factory Ecard
The ecard opens on an old and dark building behind a fence, quite in disrepair and all the windows and doors are barred with planks of wood. Dark except for one window at the top of the building where a lit shines through. We pan towards the window and then inside where we see two white mice each wearing a black jacket and pointy black hat. One mouse holds a pair of scissors and the other a bucket filled with white pieces from ghosts. One mouse knocks on the wall plank and a ghost appears. The mouse with the scissors cuts a piece of the white ghost and puts it in the bucket. Next we see the two mice on top of a large carved pumpkin in a field of pumpkins, each holding a shovel and they shovel pieces of pumpkin in a wheelbarrow. The two mice are then standing on small table in front of a skeleton that was a prisoner as its bony wrists are held by manacles. The two mice are each holding a long feather and they tickle the skeleton who bursts out laughing making some of his teeth fall off onto the table. The mice pick the teeth and deposit them in their purple bucket. We then see 3 mice each with a bucket holding white ghost pieces, pumpkin and skeleton teeth and they drop the content of their buckets onto an automatic rolling carpet. The pieces are moved through, passing a bat hanging upside down, to finally fall into a large purple bowl and they go through a large computer confection machine with buttons and lights and clocks. As the computer bell rings, candy corn comes out from the computer’s exit door and into a clear cellophane bag and a mouse is tying it up with an orange ribbon. The bat flies over them and grabs the bag of goodies and flies off, then dropping the sweets on a halloween decorated table with a pumpkin, candies, lollypops and the final banner at the top with the words have a happy halloween.