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Doggie Daddies Day

Doggie Daddies Day

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The Doggie Daddies day animated father’s day ecard is cute singing ecard with 3 dogs singing Doo Wop. Each dog, 2 bulldogs and 1 pit bull, are wearing matching jackets, shirts and bowties and they are standing in a field of grass and blue skies above. As they sing, little chihuahuas appear and say happy father’s day. As they sing, another dog (a French bulldog) also wearing jackets, shirt and bowtie, appears to sing the lower part of the group’s song. As he appears, the chihuahua that appears to say happy father’s day day wears a funny looking knitted hat. At the end of the song, the cute little chihuahua that appears is wearing a cute little bonnet with lace and little boughs.
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