The Champagne Love naughty animated ecard is set in a high rise apartment at night and the first character is a male champagne bottle with a face with a thin moustache, legs, arms, and he is wearing a bathrobe. There are candles on the coffee table by a chair and a pink divider and then a bed where the Lady Champagne Bottle is sitting. She is wearing red dress and her face is beautifully made up. She gets up and goes to change behind the pink divider and you can see her clothes flying above the divider. When she comes out from the divider, she is wearing fishnet stockings, a corset and garter belt. The male champagne takes his bathrobe off and he also is wearing a corset and both the champagne bottles pop their corks, the champagne flows out from the bottles and they both smile in delight. The final banner appears and reads “you pop my cork thinking of you”.