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Sweet Rosh Hashana

Sweet Rosh Hashana

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The Rosh Hashana is a sequence of lovely illustrations with captions beginning with an image of a few bees on a honeycomb and the caption reads “May your New Year Bee sweet”and the bee is spelled as the insect. The second image is of a large and pretty red apple with a face, eyes and smiling mouth and the background is light colored Stars of David. The caption reads, May you have Good Health. The following image is of two pomegranates, one opened in two and the other one whole again on a Star of David background. The caption reads “and many good merits”. To the next image of a challah bread still with the Star of David background as the caption reads “L’Shana Tovah” and then “Tikatevu” appears. To the final screen with an illustration with Rosh Hashanah written at the top and under are a green apple, red pomegranate, large pot of honey and honey stirrer and a few bees flying around the illustration the whole once again with a Star of David background.
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