The Snowman Season’s greetings is animated and is set in a Winter day and the snow is coming down. A young boy dressed in his Winter clothes, scarf and woolly hat, is skipping through the snow as he holds a large snow ball and puts it down on the ground. Here he goes again skipping in the snow with another snow ball and puts it down as well. A third time around and the young boy is holding a snowman’s head with two coals for the eyes and a large carrot for a nose. He puts it atop the 2 other larger snowballs. Then, the young boy comes with what looks to be a green plastic container for the hat and as he jumps and tries to put it on the snowman’s head, the whole snowman collapses! The little boy is stuck inside the snowman and is wearing the plastic container on his head! The final banner appears and reads “Season’s Greetings!”