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Snake Year

Snake Year

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View the Snake Year Ecard
The Snake Year ecard is a sequence of Chinese Lunar New year themed photos and videos starting with a golden snake with bright lights in the background and 2025 appears next to the snake’s head which then changes to 4722 which is the Chinese New Year. Next we have a photo of several beautifully colored Chinese lanterns and decorations. Next, the traditional small red envelopes with the words wealth, health happiness, good luck written on it both in english and Chinese in gold colors. Next is a glorious snake sitting in a pond in a forrest with lanterns and stacked up round rocks. The snake is sideways with its tongue out. We then have a sequence of fireworks in red and gold colors. To the final frame of two beautiful snakes in colors or turquoise, red, yellow and is surrounded by pink roses and leaves as the final banner reads “happy year of the snake!"
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