This congratulations musical ecard begins with a large blue envelope with a sticker sealing it and above are the words click here to see your ecard (which has been disabled and the ecard begins on its own). The sticker lifts off and the envelope opens up and appearing are 3 sweet Maltese female dogs dressed in light blue dresses, bows on their heads, pearls around their neck and wearing long gloves in purple or red or pink. They sing their congratulations song as they move their hands from left to right and moving slightly at the beat of the song. Towards the end of the song, a bunch of colorful balloons rise up from below with a kitty cat dressed in a tuxedo outfit, party hat and party horn in its mouth. A large pink sign with congratulations on it is at the top of the card, and the Maltese dogs reappear, the one on the left and on the right wearing party hats, holding balloons and gifts as our middle Maltese holds a champagne bottle. The champagne cork pops off and confettis falls from above thus ending this ecard.