This animated ecard begins with a white screen and a little heart pops down on a string and the following words appear at the bottom of the screen “for Valentine’s day” and two more hearts pop down on strings. All three hearts are lifted back up and the words disappear. The hearts pop down again hanging on their string and the words “all you need is” appear at the bottom of the screen. Next screen on a pink background, the word LOVE is spelled out and each letter has lovely flowers and leaves appearing on each letter. The screen fades into the next screen where two sets of lovely heart shaped balloons appear at each side of the screen and at the top of the screen the words “so I am sending you mine” appear and more hearts fly up on the screen background. Cross-fade to the last frame in pink with white sparkles, two sets of lovely heart shaped balloons appear at each side of the screen and the final banner words appear: happy Valentine’s day and the heart balloons disappear as the white sparkles brighten up the whole screen.