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Nurse Harriet & the "Procedure"

Nurse Harriet & the "Procedure"

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This hilarious Nurse Harriet and the procedure ecard is hosted by an actor playing Nurse Harriet wearing a white nurse coat, mask and nurse cap and rubber gloves and we are in a medical room. Nurse Harriet is speaking directly to us as if we are the patient. The first tool Nurse Harriet holds is a duster with a elongating stick and she brings the duster down into the “area”. For the anesthetic, she holds an small enema bottle and goes to the “area”. With regular salad tongs and then spaghetti scissors, she goes to the “area” and fishes out the cyst that is a large orange. The tingling tool is a rotary egg beater. She then puts big rubber gloves for the vegesectomy and pulls out a pumpkin! At the end the final banner appears on the screen with the words “Happy Nurses Week!” in a pink heart and little hearts around on the screen.
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