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New Years Party Animals

New Years Party Animals

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The New Years party animals ecard is a fabulous sequence of photos starting with “New year’s eve:” written on a sparkling golden background. We first see a mouse dressed with a cool purple jacket with matching sunglasses as he works as a DJ and confettis fly around. Next, a fox dressed with a shirt, bowtie and vest sitting at a pub with his beer on the table as confettis fly around. To a close up of a monkey wearing large and cool sunglasses, a baseball hat with rhinestones celebrating new year’s eve as fireworks lit the background. Then to a bar where a squirrel wearing a scarf is the barkeep with a counter at his back filled with bottles as confettis fly around and about. And to a dog with his mouth opened partying with a pointy hat on as balls and confettis fly around his head. To a mouse dude with a leather jacket, dark sunglasses and a hoodie with holes so his ears are outside the hood. He is at a bar holding his beer as confettis fly around him. To another bar customer, a badger wearing a grey hoodie with a jean jacket over it holding a very tall glass of beer and finally a partying hamster standing on two legs holding his beer bottle up with his mouth open with bright lights in the background. In front of the hamster is a countdown from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 then fireworks explode to celebrate the New Year. Then, we read on another frame “new year’s day:” and we see a small monkey sitting at a bar looking at his tall beer and he is looking awful after a night of partying! The final banner appear over the image of the monkey reading “happy new year to all you party animals”.
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