The Message of Hope ecard is a sequence of lovely photos with captions starting with a photo of an early morning in a park see the sun shine through the trees and a light post still lit, and the caption reads “at the auspicious dawn of this day”. The next photo shows a lake at dawn with early colors of the sun in pink and orange on the lake as we see trees on the other side of the lake. The caption reads “filled with excitement and possibilities”. To the next photo showing a beautiful garden of flowers with the sun shining as the caption reads “remember the light in our heart”. Next is a photo of a colorful butterfly on a flower and the quote reads “and the gentleness of Love’s touch”. Next, a sweet photo of a child in bed at night with a night light next to her and the caption reads “keep your sense of wonder scintillating”. And to a photo of the sky filled with clouds and the sun brighting up the scene as the caption reads “and share with the world your light of hope and peace” thus ending the ecard.