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Max St. Pat's Day

Max St. Pat's Day

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View the Max St. Pat's Day Ecard
This is an animated ecard with Max, a dark brown Labrador with a red collar and he is sitting on the lawn and in the background is an Irish pub called the Tipsy Dog with EST. 1832 written over it and two lamp post on each side of the pub. Behind the pub are dozens of green trees and bushes on each side of the pub. Max is sitting next to a bush at the forefront of the scene. A four leaf clover grows right next to Max, Max gets up and goes to the clover and begins to dig where the clover is. Suddenly, a yellow beam of light pierces through the hole in the ground and after Max barks, a leprechaun with a green top hat pops out from the hole! The leprechaun runs out in the woods off screen and Max runs after him. The leprechaun comes back running from the right side of the screen once again being followed by Max but! The leprechaun jumps back in the hole and Max stops. Max starts digging in the hole once again and goes really deep and he pulls back a black cauldron filled with gold coins! The leprechaun pops out of the gold coins onto the lawn and begins to dance on the lawn. Clovers begin to grow all over the lawn as the leprechaun dances and a green bowler hat appears on Max’s head as he sits on the ground facing us. A rainbow appears and shines right into the gold coin cauldron. The final banner appears at the top of the scene with the words Happy St. Patrick’s Day in a greenish white color.
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