View the Have a Wonderful Day Ecard
The Have a wonderful day animated and singing ecard begins with an office building elevator opening its doors and a standing rabbit sings and two office staff, a gecko wearing a shirt and tie as he holds his coffee cup with a caption reading “I am the lizard king”, and a surprised leopard also wearing a shirt and tie. As the rabbit hops in the office, he leaves a trails of green grass and flowers making the welcome desk cat lady very happy as she gets a flower at her ear and butterflies flying around her. When the rabbit passes the water cooler, it will ups with coral and two happy fish. Then to the photocopy room where a wolf dressed in a jackets, shirt and tie is sweating as he prints a pile of paper. He then smiles excitedly the rabbit cones his way bringing sunshine, green grass and flowers and his clothes changes into a Hawaiian shirt and all the paper turns into white doves. Rabbit then passes by the vending machine and every food item in it turns into flowers. Next, we see Rabbit in the office with bright sunshine, green grass and flowers and the staff happily dancing with hula hoops in the background. To the final screen with the final banner reading “have a wonderful day”.