This funny animated Fiesta de Los Chilis ecard is set in a bar where we have a male and female characters as nachos, the man nacho has a very large black mustache and is holding a margarita and the lady nacho has pink lipstick. In the background, we have a band: a red tomato as front singer, large green avocado on drums, onion at the piano and lime at the trumpet and there is a Mexican flag at the front of the bar. Everyone looks really bored and a tumbleweed rolls across the room. Suddenly the front doors open up and a red chili with a black mustache and a sombrero walks in the bar soon followed by a tall green chili with a black mustache and orange chili with a huge black mustache, both also wearing sombreros. A big pink cloud appears leaving confettis falling all over the bar. The band is playing and the nacho couple is dancing. Everyone is smiling and the chilis are dancing next to the band. The card ends with the 3 chilis on the screen being joined by the nacho couple and the final banner appears at the top of the screen with the words “happy Cinco de Mayo!”