When your Day of Atonement is a family affair, make sure you don't leave anyone out! Yom Kippur eCards for Grandpa are a fun and easy way to wish your granddad a peaceful day for fasting and atonement.
Yom Kippur Butterflies - This ecard begins with caterpillars filing into temple. Crawling on the ground they enter, but as time passes, they emerge. The time spent confessing, fasting, and atoning for their sins, has transformed the caterpillars into bright, beautiful butterflies. Their metamorphosis is symbolic of the transformation of our souls, through fasting and prayer.
Yom Kippur Cheetah - Another ecard that addresses how the burden of sin effects us. The cheetah trudges to the synagogue, back bent with the weight of the burden he bears. It's so large, in fact, that he is unable to enter the house of worship without dropping his baggage. Time speeds up, as we watch the day pass. The cheetah's sin shrinks to nothing through the power of atonement and confession.
Yom Kippur Doves - This ecard is a simple and sincere way to wish granddad a peaceful Yom Kippur. This heartfelt ecard begins with a blow of the shofar. Across the dawn-colored sky, white doves, a symbol of peace and purity, scatter. Stars of David spread out as well, and a sweet message of peace is shown.
Yom Kippur - Is a simple, traditional ecard. It features the traditional painting "Jews Praying in the Synagogue on Yom Kippur." The accompanying message is a heartfelt one; an uncomplicated wish for blessings on your day of prayer and reflection. This religious ecard will surely warm grandpa's heart with its sincere and caring message.
Before you begin fasting, before you head to temple, send your granddad a warm blessing for a peaceful Day of Atonement with our Yom Kippur eCards for Grandpa.