Columbus Day eCards for Daughter

Columbus Day eCards for Daughter

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Columbus Day eCards for Daughter

Choose a Columbus Day eCard for Daughter

Choose a Columbus Day eCard for Daughter

If Columbus had GPS technology in 1492, imagine how different the world would be! Set sail for a happy Columbus Day (even better if you've got the day off) and find fun Columbus Day eCards for Daughter from Doozy Cards!

It seems like a no-brainer, but if you've prepared a fleet of ships and hired a couple hundred men to crew those ships, it is critical to make sure you pack enough food! Columbus Drive Through is a funny ecard that imagines what you would do if you were out to sea with a hungry crew of 200. Shortly after setting sail, Columbus's crew is famished. Luckily, Chris Columbus knows a conveniently located drive thru. After placing a big order, they again set sail with their delicious haul!

Gather your daughter for An Extremely Cheap and (Dubiously) Accurate History Lesson from Doozy Cards. Our fractured history lesson, will teach you How to Discover America. You may learn something--and it may even be be right (spoiler alert: it isn't)! Columbus speaks with the queen... oops... not that queen (and not those jewels)! They discuss Columbus's plans to discover India. He takes his three ships... Wait a second? That's not a ship! Three SHIPS set sail, and Columbus lands in Cuba and meets Fidel Castro and Desi Arnaz. Thank you for joining us for another episode of An Extremely Cheap and (Dubiously) Accurate History Lesson from Doozy Cards!

Columbus probably wasn't the best candidate for a global trip to discover India. He's all history's got though. In our Columbus Day e-card he uses his spyglass to spot land. He's trying to decide whether he wants to so ashore, and he spots a cheerful pair of Native Americans. They're spending their day off grilling on the beach!

Celebrate the discovery of our country with Columbus Day eCards for Daughter from Doozy Cards!

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