eCard Category


Catapult Christmas

Catapult Christmas

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View the Catapult Christmas Ecard
The ecard begins with a view of two houses, one is painted and the other is all white. On the top of the colored house, is a dog wearing a Santa Claus hat with a catapult on the roof. We get a closeup of the dog and his catapult and he fills the catapult with a basket filled with a Christmas tree, ornaments, lights and gifts. The dog cranks up the catapult, jumps off the roof and pulls the cord releasing the catapult and the basket flies off through the sky. The basket lands on the unpainted house and the whole house is now painted, the Christmas tree lands at the front of the house’s walkway and lights wrap themselves around it. There are lights on the house, bell decoration on a top window and a Christmas wreath on the front door. Gifts flying from above land at the foot of the Christmas tree. A star lands at the top of the Christmas tree and the final banner appears saying sending you a merry Christmas.
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