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Bessie & Otto Boss's Day

Bessie & Otto Boss's Day

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At the first frame Otto the pig with a large cigar in his mouth is sitting on a high back gray chair and is typing on his laptop at his desk which is sitting in a field. There are 2 trays on his desk saying in and out and a sign saying field office. A video call pops on as we see his boss Bessie the cow wearing flowers on her head on his screen and as she speaks on moo moos, the computer calendar pops up on the computer screen showing October is Boss’ day. Bessie goes on speaking and we go back to Otto who realizes he forgot it was Boss’s day, sweat appears on his forehead and he is worried. As Bessie is still speaking, Otto clicks his mouse and goes to HAMazon to buy his boss Bessie a gift. He choses and purchases her a bale of hay. Next frame we see Bessie at her desk typing at her laptop, a flower vase with flowers on her desk in a field, in and out trays and a sign saying BOSS on it. As she is typing, two drones with HAMazon written on them fly in over her desk holding the large bale of hay and drop it on her desk. Next scene we see Bessie chewing on some hay as she is typing at her laptop. The scene opens up to seeing both Otto and Bessie’s desks next to one another typing away at their laptop, Bessie still chewing hay and the words happy boss’s day in green letters appear over them.
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