eCard Category


Beauty of Bethlehem

Beauty of Bethlehem

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The Christmas ecard Beauty of Bethlehem is a sequence of photos and an ongoing quote from Isaiah 9:6 starting with a photo of a large and beautifully bright star in the night sky shining over a small town and the caption reads ‘for to us a child is born’ that remains through the next photo is of a decorative Christmas Angel. To the next photo of dozens of red candles all lit and glowing as the caption reads ‘to us a son is given’. The next photo is of a large Christmas tree all lit up with white lights standing in front of a cathedral. The quote continues and reads ‘and he will be called…’. To the next sequence of photos first with a stained glass window of Baby Jesus in the manger with Mary and Joseph at his side and the caption reads ‘Prince of Peace” Isaiah 9:6 and the caption remains through the next photo; a profile of Jesus in the manger with Mary and Joseph at his side and a night sky filled with bright stars. The final banner appears at the bottom and reads ‘May the blessings of Jesus bring you joy this Christmas’.
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