View the Old Tyme Fall Back Ecard
This old tyme postcard ecard begins with an old alarm clock with a cute face along with the alarm bell at the top and the words one more hour to sleep are written on each side of the clock. Next postcard, a white hen and rooster are sitting together in bed each holding a cup of coffee and a breakfast tray is on the bed. There is a sign at the left of the postcard saying breakfast in bed charged extra. Next postcard, we see an old large clock with a worried face with the words however… to the next postcard with a lady sitting at the edge of a cliff watching the full moon with the words I’m here alone and as ‘fraud as can be; some naughty man may be looking at me are written at the bottom of the postcard and on each side of the postcard the words early night fall appear. Next postcard, 3 men in tuxedo, morning coat, top hats, gloves and a flower on their lapel, one holding an umbrella, one a cane and one a white banner are straddling a crescent moon. And onward to the final postcard with a pumpkin sitting of autumn leaves with a clock above it and the words Fall back written on the postcard. On each side of the postcard the words Happy end of daylight saving appear showing the end of the card.