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Meanwhile, At Home

Meanwhile, At Home

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The Meanwhile, At home ecard is a sequence of photos and captions starting with a caption reading “It’s back to school time!”. To the first photo of a drawing on a blackboard of two little kids holding a pencil, ABC written under them and 1+1=2 next to them. To the next photo of a pencil case with colored pencils inside as well as a small ruler and eraser. Next, a school library bookshelf filled with books. Next, a video of a globe turning around to another video of two students at a table working on their schoolwork. Next we have a caption reading “meanwhile at HOME…” followed by a photo of a beautiful bathtub filled with steaming water with rose petals in it, two lit candles and a view on gardens. Next a video of a mother receiving a massage followed by a woman’s hand taking a cookie from a cookie box. To another video of a couple relaxing together, eating strawberries and next to them is a plate of cupcakes. To the final screen with the banner reading “Happy Back to School time!” with a little heart ending the caption.
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