Larry Lobster I'm Sorry

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View the Larry Lobster I'm Sorry

The ecard begins with a vintage circus poster on a blue ocean background announcing “Barnacle Bros. Circus featuring Larry & Claude the flying crustaceans” as a funny looking yellow fish swims by and to the next screen. Our lobster and a crab are circus trapezists each wearing a pink leotard and about to jump off holding their trapeze swing ad blowing kisses before they begin their routine. They both jump off, we get a closeup of the crab flying and swirling through mid air, then we see the lobster about to catch the crab mid air but, he sneezes and misses the crab! Lobster watches the crab fall all the way down and when crab hits the ground, stars come up showing it was a hard fall! Lobster makes faces with all the sounds of the fall. After lobster says sorry sweetie, the final banner appears at the top of the screen in yellow and white with the words I’m really sorry!
Larry Lobster I'm Sorry