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View the Good Job Ecard
This animated thank you ecard begins with a view of a building skyline with the sun in the background. We then move into an office with office manager sitting at a desk in their office and as the sun is rising through the window, we get a close up of the manager at the desk and he is reading the sales report and employee report. We get a better look and it is a monkey dressed as Elvis Presley and he has a plate of cookies, a coffee mug with the words Boss Man written on it. He smiles, closes the report and a lady monkey brings a Good Job trophy award. We then see the office manager monkey is up and dancing just like Elvis. The lady monkey is taken aback with huge eyes, she faints but the manager catches her much to her delight. The manager then takes the trophy, runs in the hallway, struts away in the office as the office staff lemurs, hyena cheer him on. An office worker who is a seagull peaks out from his cubicle and dashes back to work not wanting to look like he is not working and types away at his computer as his manager dressed as Elvis brings him the trophy! Next, we see the whole office carrying the seagull holding his trophy on their shoulder to the cafeteria where the manager gives them water from the water fountain as they celebrate and cheer the seagull. The card ends with hands up holding water paper cups in their hands and the words “good job!” appear at the top of the screen.
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