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Boss's Day Award

Boss's Day Award

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Opening screen we see a large “academy awards” sign with a large Oscar on the left side. Next scene inside a hall, closed red curtains with Academy Awards written on top of the curtains and spotlights on the red curtains moving left and right. The curtains open up on a golden stage with two Oscar statues on each side of the stage, academy awards written over the stage and a silver color podium with a chicken wearing a button that says I Heart my boss is standing up at the mic holding a white envelope with a star sticker sealing it and an award with the #1 on it and boss written under the number 1. We then close up on the chicken who announces the winner of the Boss’ day award. As chicken speaks on and on, a very long orange cane appears from the right side of the screen and hooks chicken around his neck and gets dragged off the stage. We pan back to the top of the podium where we see the mic and the award. The red curtains close in front of the podium and the final banner “you’re the greatest! boss appears in large yellow letters and an very large Oscar stands on the left side of the banner.
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