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Mariachi Valentine

Mariachi Valentine

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View the Mariachi Valentine Ecard
n front of a wood with nails double door, there hangs a sign over an Easter Egg Decoration and the sign says:”Click here for your Mariachi Valentine” The double doors open onto a pink top table with a green margarita pitcher with 2 margarita glasses and each a slice of lime on the brim, pink background and pink heart shaped balloons hanging floating above the table. Five Mariachis appear and are standing on a table with a pitcher of margarita and 2 glasses. They are dressed in their black suits with decorations on their sleeves, white shirt and red neck tie and black sombreros with tiny fuchsia hearts painted on the brim playing musical instruments: one cat plays the trumpet, the bulldog a guitar, the second cat a violin and the French bulldog a guitar on or large Mexican guitar and our main singer, the chihuahua with a large black mustache is wearing his black sombrero without little hearts painted is dressed like cupid; he has white feather wings on his back and a white underpants, a sash holding his arrows, he is holding a bow and arrow in his right hand and a glass of pink margarita with a slice of lime on the brim in his left hand. The musicians are playing and the singer serenades us as they all sway from side to side. The main singer hiccups everything stops and he falls to the floor and his drink flies up in the air as well as an arrow with a fuchsia heart that goes up and then back down and pokes the main singer as we see the back of the arrow at the bottom of the screen. The music begins again with the musicians moving side to side as they play and the final banner appears with the words:”Happy Valentines Day”.
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