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Singing Thanksgiving Dinner

Singing Thanksgiving Dinner

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The Singing Thanksgiving Dinner musical ecard set in a kitchen and it begins with a cooked potato jumping into a food processor and gets whipped into mashed potatoes with a face, arms and legs. The mashed potato man walks to a bowl being followed by 3 butter cubes also with faces and legs, they jump up and into the mashed potato bowl and melt away. Next, we have a turkey standing up and taking off its feathers by unzipping it all like a costume. Turkey lies into a cooking pan and a troupe of garlic jumps in the pan as well. Next, a pumpkin with a smiling face, arms and legs, dances on the table as it holds a pie plate with a crust in one hand and shaking it up like a tambourine. Pumpkin jumps in the pie plate and melts into the crust like a filling and becomes all cooked. Next, we see the Thanksgiving table in the dining room with a large curtained window and a fireplace and all the food is on the table along with a lit candle. The final banner reads “have a delightful Thanksgiving!”.
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