eCard Category


Friendship Pups

Friendship Pups

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View the Friendship Pups Ecard
The Friendship Pups ecard is a sequence of photos with captions starting with 4 adorable bulldog puppies running together on the grass and the caption reads “how precious are friendships, let me count the ways…”. To the next photo of 3 koalas sitting behind one another and holding each other while they are lookin at us and the caption reads “To be there for one another in play…”. The next photo shows two beautiful blue parrots facing one another and the caption reads “to lend an ear whenever needed…”. We then have a photo of two cute chihuahuas sitting inside a mailbox surround with flowers and the quote reads “always bringing lots of joy and playfulness…”. To the final photo of a beautiful black and white dog looking at us with a fence behind and trees as the caption reads “today my dear, I thank you and celebrate our friendship!”.
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