Cowgirl Apology e-card

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This ecard begins with Cowgirl Sue dressed with jeans, a green plaid shirt and red vest, white neckerchief, cowboy hat over her blonde hair, cowboy boots, gloves and her saddled horse next to her. She pulls out her revolver and aims at a fence with cans on it. She misses and the bullet hits a rock, flies by her horse, hits a cactus that deflates, hits the window of a chicken coop window while 3 chicken are sitting atop the coop, then hits a vintage coffee pot on a table who by the hit pours coffee in a coffee cup, flies by the horse once again, goes through Cowgirl Sue’s cowboy hat. After her apology, she pulls her revolver, shoots a bullet and it goes through the can on the fence. Back to a closeup of Cowgirl Sue smiling and excited. The final frame shows a wood sign with the words I’m sorry.
Cowgirl Apology e-card