eCard Category


Baseball in the Air

Baseball in the Air

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View the Baseball in the Air Ecard
These Mike du jour ecards are pencil drawn character animation and this ecard begins at a baseball game with a player at the bat, receiver behind him and pitcher at the mound. The player at the bat waits for the pitcher who does not throw the ball and the player looks at the pitcher and brings his bat down. We then get a closeup of the pitcher who puts one hand in the crook of his armpit and the word pfffft!! appears above him a few times. We then see the pitcher and player looking at him on the mound and the pitcher falls back on the ground. To the next scene in a bar with a bartender and two patrons and the words “I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.” appear above one of the patrons. Moving to the final screen with the final banner with the words “here’s to the “regular” season”.
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