Encouragement eCards

Encouragement eCards

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Encouragement eCards

Free Encouragement eCards

Free Encouragement eCards

We all need a word of encouragement from time to time. Doozy wants to help you pick the perfect card for your friend, to get then through a tough time, or just let them know that you care. We have curated this collection of beautiful ecards to help send an encouraging word.

-We love our Latasha ecards, and we think you will too. We have several here, depending on what kind of encouragement you need: Friendship, Life Ain't Easy, Cheer Up Honey, and Break up, just to name a few. Latasha dishes her unique brand of sassy advice as only she can.


-Know someone in need of a bear-sized bear hug? Send them our adorable Bear Hug ecard. Our bear seems a little ferocious at the beginning, but he's a lot more cuddly than you think!


-Your Biggest Fan is a cheeky bit of wordplay, that will let your friend know exactly where you stand! Our cute little pup brought confetti too, just to make sure this animated ecard was exciting enough.


-Friendship Song is a fun musical ecard that features a jazzy little song that your friend is sure to be humming the next time you see them! Our puppy pianist plays his heart out while our crooning kitty harmonizes purrfectly, in a grand celebration of your friendship!


-Send A Cyber Blessing is a surefire way to send your friend a blessing. Just follow the directions to ensure that the blessing transmits properly!


-Message of Hope is an uplifting ecard that shares a message of peace, kindness, and hope. This slideshow ecard is a sweet and positive message that will fill your heart with love!


We all need encouragement in our life on occasion. Whatever the reason, make sure your friend knows you're there for them with a beautiful Doozy Cardtoon!

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