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Tropical Dogs Birthday by Dionne Warwick

Tropical Dogs Birthday by Dionne Warwick

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Dionne Warwick sings to this animated ecard with opening screen on 3 female dogs standing up, wearing grass skirts, a black bikini top and each an hibiscus flower at their ear. One of the 3 lady dogs is smaller and all three wear a flower garland around their neck. They are standing on a wood stage on the beach close to the ocean, with palm trees at each corner and garlands of flowers above them. The shorter lady dog is standing in front of a mic on a stand and she is the main singer and the 2 taller lady dogs are hula dancers standing on each side of the singer. As they sing “happy happy happy happy birthday” together, a monkey wearing an orange Hawaiian shirt with white flowers and an orange pointy party hat rolls in a cart on wheels with a fuchsia tablecloth and the table has a 3 tiered yellow birthday cake with pink, yellow and purple piping and loads of beautifully wrapped gifts. When our singer sings “have some fun” the monkey reappears coming down from above sliding down from a vine holding balloons that he attaches to the birthday cart. The main singer moves around to the beat as she sings. When we hear “because it’s your birthday” our monkey swings on screen from the left side, stops by the cake and puts in a tall purple lit candle atop the cake. The light yellow final banner appears at the tops of the screen with happy happy happy birthday! in fuchsia letters as our monkey swings on his vine once again coming from the right side of the screen to the left of the screen waiving at us and he remains at the top left of the screen waiving as our singer finishes the songs.
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