Cowgirl Sue Congratulations ecard

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The card begins with seeing a hand reading to grab a revolver from its hip holster then we see Cowgirl Sue dressed with jeans, a green plaid shirt and red vest, white neckerchief, cowboy hat over her blonde hair, cowboy boots, gloves shooting at a bullseye on a trunk. Then back to her, she twirls her revolver back into the holster, has her lipstick in her other hand, puts on lipstick looking into a mirror she pulled out. As she speaks, she throws the mirror and we hear it break. As she speaks we get a closeup and she smiles and is very animated. She then pulls out her revolver and twirls it left then right. Back to a closeup or Cowgirl Sue and then to a fly in the air, She shoots the fly. She then shoots again and again and we see the bullets coming out from the revolver. The last frame appears with a bullseye on a trunk that she shot the word congratulations on.
Cowgirl Sue Congratulations ecard