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Max Christmas e Card

Max Christmas e Card

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View the Max Christmas e Card Ecard
Max is a dark brown Labrador with a red bow around his neck and he is sitting in front of a sweet country grey stone house with snow on the roof and a chimney. The front door is red and there is a large square stone pathway with a lantern. The house is surrounded by trees and bushes and a very tall pine tree at the front right side of the house. Snowflakes are falling and more lanterns appear on the pathway. As the lanterns light up the pine tree magically becomes fully decorated with ornaments, lights, red bows and a beautiful golden star at the top. One of the bushes shakes and suddenly we see a brown horse pulling a red sleigh and in the sleigh are a gold female Labrador with a light blue bow around her neck sitting in the sleigh and behind here are several adorable Labrador puppies sitting on the higher sleigh seats. The final banner appears at the top of the screen with the words merry Christmas written in a beautiful orange and green Christmas font.
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