eCard Category


Birthday Cake Factory

Birthday Cake Factory

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View the Birthday Cake Factory Ecard
This animated ecard is set in a cake factory where a little bluebird with hardhat and glasses operates a large cake making machine in a factory. Chocolate is poured in a large cake pan and another bluebird driving a forklift moves the pan into a large oven and pulls out a cake that is ready from another oven. The baked cake is pulled up by an overhead grip and is put at the top 2 cakes, rolled into a chocolate shower where it gets completely covered by chocolate icing and oops! the little bluebird next to the cake also gets covered with icing and he blinks his eyes through the chocolate. The cake is then on a decorating table and a chocolate fondant cover is put at the top of the cake as well as pink piping then the little artist bluebird paints little daisies on the cake. The cake is then lifted up to a stage with curtains and two birds put candles atop the cake and the curtain behind the cake opens up and a rabbit dressed with a jacket, top hat and glasses on the hat lights up the candles with his sparkling wand and the final banner appears at the tops of the screen with the words “may you have a happy birthday!”.
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